
Paronikia / paronychia

Paronikia atau paronychia adalah infeksi yang terjadi pada kulit di sekitar kuku jari-jari tangan dan kaki. Jaringan sekitar kuku yang terinfeksi akan membengkak, lunak saat disentuh, meradang, dan terasa sakit saat disentuh. Kondisi ini dapat terjadi akibat adanya infeksi jamur, bakteri, atau virus tertentu. Selain itu, risiko infeksi terjadi lebih…

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MComix, comic reader and images reader

MComix is designed to handle comic books, western comics and manga/manhwa reading style. MComix reads most common image formats like JPG, PNG and support a variety of container / compression format like…

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Pemutihan Pajak Kendaraan Bermotor 2018 dan Perpanjangan masa berlaku STNK

Karena suatu hal penting menyebabkan saya lupa dan akhirnya terlambat sekitar seminggu untuk pembayaran PKB. Setelah panik sejenak mengingat potensi denda yang harus dibayar…

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Add RAR/UnRAR and 7zip compression support in Pop!_OS

Besides ZIP compression format, other format that usually used are 7z/7zip and rar. As they are not installed by default in Pop!_OS, we have to install manually.

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Brightness on Lenovo not working in Pop!_OS

On my old laptop, a Lenove IdeaPad identified as Intel Core i7-3632QM processor, Intel Ivybridge Mobile graphics by Pop!_OS, the brightness is not set.

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Learn to enjoy every second of your life

Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don’t wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it’s at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and…

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Kode Pos Kota Denpasar

Pencantuman Kode Pos pada alamat tujuan untuk pengiriman surat dan paket sangat dianjurkan, untuk memudahkan petugas dalam mendistribusikannya.

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